Thursday, May 24, 2012

i give good food.

Not sure why but people tend to want the food i have. My mother, with my noodle creation from my favorite noodle shop and Wilson, with the famous Suzburger* (*Note: not it's real name but it's the name we gave it) from the cafe near our work.

Today, being dreary and raining, i figured if i was gonna get in my car to grab a bite to eat i certainly wasn't going to drive to the end of the street only. So i grabbed a kebab. The minute i get back? My manager decides he wants one too.

I guess I just have good taste....

Monday, May 21, 2012


Yes. Sucked into blogging again. This is my umpteenth attempt at a return. If i don't blog in 3 days.... don't send help.

Going to try, try with all my might to keep them short (but longer than a twitter post) and sweet (or sour... depending what i'm writing on).

Here we go...

Scarily accurate horoscope #1

"Been thinking about going back to school or taking a class or a workshop in a subject you’re interested in? Take the leap, Libra, and learn more about the world around you. "
Who was googling photography classes only yesterday? ME. That's who. in case you're interested in getting scary horoscopes too.